Thursday, May 25, 2006

Edie Sedgwick - Pretty Doomed

Over the past few months I've learned a lot about the life and times of Edie Sedgwick. I read her biography and after I finished the book I rented Ciao Manhattan which is a totally weird, trainwreck of a movie and is only interesting if you're researching all things Edie. I guess others are thinking of Edie too, because there's a movie coming out called Factory Girl (which I have a feeling is going to suck as much as the recent Brian Jones biopic) and Urban Outfitters is selling this (which Gab discovered the day she finished reading the book). Synchronicity, huh?

In the extra on the Ciao Manhattan DVD there is an interview with George Plimpton, who edited the Edie biography. In the interview he notes that she really had no ideas or talent, yet she was appealing because she was so pretty, vulnerable and sparked.

I guess her story is interesting to me because she was one of a number of sixties characters (Nico, Jim Morrison, et al) who lived for the moment with a reckless intensity that is completely unimaginable in these modern, careful times when the biggest news is Britney Spears driving without her child in a car seat.


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Renee said...

just stumbled across this post randomly while looking through pictures and i completely agree with you. i plan on reading her biography soon as well thanks to this post! for some reason the thought didn't even cross my mind, but i've been fascinated with her ever since factory girl (which, knowing what i do about her now, seems to do her no justice at all-- but it's an interesting glimpse into the past nonetheless)

Iburiedpaul said...

I recommend watching "Ciao Manhattan" if you can find it. It was the movie she worked on most of the late 60's til her death. She was trying to be a movie star. It's a strange, sad movie, but a good document of Edie.