Saturday, March 08, 2008

SXSW Saturday

this morning's panel on videoblogging was really inspirational. bre pettis especially.

kinda so-so panel (The Suxorz) on the worst social networking ads of 2007.... didn't really flow...too bad, it was a great idea.

sat's keynote address: Henry Jenkins and Steven Johnson- the dilemma of "pink collar" workers (librarians were cited as one example) who have advanced education but are not challenged by their jobs so they put their energies into online gaming, fan works (organization of transformative works)....the authorities (government, corporations, educators) assume the populace is dumb. this view needs to change 180 degrees, working instead off the premise that people are smart. they might be annoying but they are not dumb.

right after that was Bryan Caplan talking about how people are dumb....go figure.

last of sat was the Onion News Network folks talking about how they do their to see a piece they'd rejected as too controversial (because of the hardcore porn clips...)
yet, though.

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